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JonMarc Grodi

Two Fears – The Reasons We Avoid Discovering Whether God Is Really There

By | Philosophy and Culture, Why Aren't We Saints? | 5 Comments

First let me say that I am one who thinks it is healthy and helpful for people to question their faith at some point. Everyone has doubts and questions about their faith, but most people tend to bury or ignore them rather than to ever bring them out into the light.

I think a large portion of the apathy of modern believers is attributable to the fact that they are unwilling to ask the tough questions they have about the faith. Because of fear, they refuse to ask whether God really exists, whether Jesus was a real person, whether the Catholic Church is true and is guided into all truth.

But I ask, how can one really put faith in a God one has never had the courage to seek out? In fact perhaps the first act of faith – faith at least in truth – would be to face our fears  and seek God Himself.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines faith as “Man’s response to God”. Man responds to a God He has met, a God who has ever been waiting for Man to finally let go of His own assumptions, his own fluffy hopes, his own rendition of “I did it My Way” – to finally open up to the real God and accept no substitutes

One way or another, we have to continually break past our ideas toward the real God, and this repetition of the formation of our concept of God and the proceeding iconoclasm is a lifelong process. Why is it necessary? Because God desires nothing less than a real relationship with us.

God doesn’t want to be our Santa Claus. He doesn’t want to be up on the shelf when we need Him, and He doesn’t just want to be an idea or vague impression that we comfort ourselves with. He also doesn’t just want to be our best bet – the conclusion we cling to because more of the evidence points in His direction.

If this was the kind of relationship God wanted, if he intended us to stop at any of these points, then what are we to do with the incarnation? The “word became flesh”! The creator entered His creation, the author entered His own story, to touch us, to speak to us, to teach us to love by example.

We tend to think that a relationship in which God is present, interacting with us, speaking to us, guiding our lives, and touching our hearts is only the lot of the very great saints. But we must face the facts here: 1) We are all called to be saints and 2) Not one of us has a valid excuse as to why we aren’t.

Every one of us has been given (and squandered) enough grace to be saints – 2 Corinthians 12:19 says “my grace is sufficient”. The only thing that has stopped this has been ourselves. Plain and simple!

But He still wants us! He still waits for the day that we grow discontent with a shallow relationship with Him, discontent with only hoping He’s there, finally ready to shed the imitations and idols in exchange for the “Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the TRUTH”. We really can have it, but we have to want it and seek it.

One of the reasons people aren’t able to really pursue God as a person, as I said before, is that we are really unwilling to ask tough questions.

These are actually very basic questions about who God is, whether He is really there, whether He really loves us – pretty fundamental questions if one is to enter into relationship! Nevertheless, though we have these questions but seldom drum up the courage to ask them.

There are TWO main fears that keep people from truly seeking God. Two main fears that the devil plays upon to trap us into wishy-washy faith:

Fear that God may not be real.
Fear that God might indeed be real after all.

Let me explain.

One of the first and most obvious reasons people do not ask the questions and pursue a relationship with God is that they fear He may not be real. The fear that is the source of this doubt is the fear that keeps people from ever pursuing the answers. There is a certain solace found in uncertainty.

Most people would rather hold on to a God they are “pretty sure” is real, rather than to attempt to seek out a real one. The problem with seeking a “real” God” is that there can be only two outcomes to the search: either He is real or He isn’t! This is dangerous! Usually too dangerous for comfort.

A God about which one is “pretty sure” can never be proven false. No amount of evidence can ever take Him away and some people prefer this solace to truth. But on the other side of the coin, one cannot have a true relationship with Him either.

It is much more comfortable to have a faith that never actually has to face the question “God, are you there?” It is not that we don’t want this type of faith. We wish we could meet Him, have confidence in His presence, come into relationship with Him, and put a confident, divinely gifted faith in this relationship of love. This is a kind of faith we all desire to have, but are afraid to ask for or to seek.

We think that to so desire such a faith may be presumptuously arrogant, unattainably obscure, or ultimately undesirable in that if we actually grasped at a faith which involves the encounter with the present and true God, we might instead find him absent and false.

The second reason that people fear to seek the real God is that they are afraid He might really be there after all.

To quote CS Lewis: “An ‘impersonal God;– well and good. A subjective God of beauty, truth and goodness, inside our own heads — better still. A formless life-force surging through us, a vast power which we can tap — best of all. But God Himself, alive, pulling at the other end of the cord, perhaps, approaching an infinite speed, the hunter, king, husband — that is quite another matter. There comes a moment when the children who have been playing at burglars hush suddenly: was that a real footstep in the hall? There comes a moment when people who have been dabbling in religion (“Man’s search for God!”) suddenly draw back. Supposing we really found Him? We never meant it to come to that! Worse still, supposing He had found us?”

In other words, people are afraid of a God who actually makes a difference. A God about which we are only “pretty sure is out there… somewhere… maybe…” cannot ask much of us. Our lives needn’t change for such a God and we can safely contain Him as a bullet point on our list of priorities.

But what of a God who is alive? A master? A King? This is often more than we have bargained for, and perhaps we prefer to leave well enough alone. This is why people can have such a visceral aversion to the suggestion of miracles, apparitions, prayers being answered, and the like, even by “good Christians”. It is not as much our intellects being sensible as much as it is our hearts fearing a real God who is alive and can be ignored no longer.

In conclusion, I ask you to consider these two fears that may be keeping you or someone you know from truly seeking God.

Fear that He may not be real.
Fear that He may indeed by real.

But we must seek truth, brothers and sisters, and accept nothing less. God is indeed alive and waits for us. He awaits the day that we want Him enough to not be content with anything less than He Himself.

If you ask the questions, seek the truth, accept no substitutes, you will find God.

God the creator, God the author, God the conqueror, God the King. If you so desire it, you will find Him. Nay, He will find you.


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While there are a number of facets that make a good movie, such as its plot, setting, visuals, etc, I return always in my musings to how much of an impact good/bad characters can have.

I have seen many movies with at least decent story, great visuals, great pacing (etc, etc), but have very forgettable characters – I have come out of these experiences entertained but not moved.
On the other hand, I watch old black and white movies with decidedly poor visual quality, poor sound, again decent story, but very strong and well developed characters – in this case I am not just entertained but impressed and delighted.

The most clear example that brings out my point is “rewatchability”. Think about the movies or tv shows that you can watch over and over again.

I went through a (short) phase in my teen years where I was somewhat possessed by the idea of having an impressive movie collection. I quickly began to realize not only that A) it was expensive B) in the great scheme of things it was a terrifically worthless pursuit, but that C) most movies I would buy, I would have no interest in watching again after the first run through. At the time I was mostly into NEW, loud, graphic, sci-fi and action movies. Whatever. : )
Thinking about this “phase” later on, I wondered about the movies I had been buying – why were they so dull after the first viewing? There were other older movies/tv-shows (ones I hadn’t considered buying) that I had watched a hundred times with my parents and could easily watch another hundred times someday with my own kids! I’m talking “The Quiet Man”, “The Scarlet and the Black”, ” The Dirty Dozen”, and others.

After some years of batting these questions around about “re-watch-ability” it occurred to me that the common thread of most “re-watchable” movies is that they all seemed to rely on strong characters, whether or not they had graphics and sound to back them up.

The more I have thought about this the more I have been convinced that “characters” can be one of the strongest or weakest aspects of a movie. A strong, well-developed, unforgettable caste of characters can carry even the dullest graphics or sounds (well, to a point I suppose).

Why might this be? I postulate that this has something to do with the nature of “personhood”.

There is a definite finitude to most of the aspects of a film or show. From the props to the special effects. You see/hear the props and special effects and then …. what? That’s all there is to them. One glance, and you have for the most part exhausted what they have to offer.

Some might argue that aspects such as music and storyline might have much more to them, and I would agree. Well written music can be listened to many times and a well written story can continue to entertain and even take on new meaning upon further passes.

However, what of characters? By far, on a scale of finitude/infinitude, persons are the deepest wells.

Persons really are inexhaustible. You could spend a lifetime getting to know someone and still have barely tapped their mystery. This is easily forgotten nowadays with relationships as shallow and brittle as they are. But those who have toughed it out, stuck with a friend or spouse even through hard times and against modern sensibilities, can still tell you that people really are little points of infinity scattered about a finite world.

This of course points to forgotten common sense about people around us. How easy it is take people for granted, even though they are the real brushes with infinity that we have every day. Isn’t it crazy how easy this is to forget? We work and struggle and save and learn and rush around and busy ourselves with life… to what ends? They certainly cannot be very noble ends if we aren’t stopping to be fascinated by the people around us – to enjoy them and to love them and to recall, again, how much more important and infinite people really are than anything else in our lives!

With this peculiar inexhaustibility of human persons in mind, perhaps we have our answer to why certain movies or tv-shows are “re-watchable”. A movie that is full of graphics and sound but with shallow, underdeveloped, unrealistic characters, is easily exhausted! Once we’ve seen it or heard it, we’ve pretty much seen and heard it all.

But what of movie that have strong characters, almost regardless of the graphics and sound? Will you ever be able to watch “The Quiet Man” enough times to exhaust Sean Thornton (or his actor, John Wayne?). Or Rhett Butler and Scarlet O’Hara in “Gone With the Wind”? How much more memorable was the old Star Wars trilogy compared to the new, even though the new had twice the graphics/sound/explosions/lasers/and the like? Could it have been the unforgettable cast of the original trilogy and the (on the whole) forgettable cast of the new? Lord of the Rings, Bella, It’s a Wonderful Life, etc etc etc.

Instead of boring you with my list of movie and tv favorites, I’ll leave you to come up with your own (and share if you’d like!). But as you do so, think about the ones that are rewatchable and let me know if you agree with my proposition. I think you’ll begin to notice a pattern between the very great rewatchable classics and that tv show that grips you every time ( I am a “Law and Order” junkie). The characters are striking, rich, and as in real life, infinite and inexhaustible.

From one infinite soul to another, be blessed.

JonMarc Grodi

On the Web: Peter

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As a fan of his, how would I best describe Peter Kreeft? Simply, the best “teacher” I have ever encountered.

Kreeft is a professor of philosophy at Boston College, is nearing the 60 book mark, is a renowned Catholic speaker, and has a host of free articles and audio bytes on his site

Kreeft speaks to a variety of philosophical and theological topics with great eloquence and order.
I have often remarked to my friends that while with most authors/speakers one might skim through their topics to find one that sounds “catchy” assuming that it may be one of their more interesting pieces, with Kreeft, some of my favorite works are those that are simply overviews of a basic topic (such as homosexuality, prayer, and why we don’t have priestesses) because he is such a great teacher!

My favorite resource are his talks (available by podcast) – be sure to listen to “Culture War”, “Priestesses”, “Moral Theology and Homosexuality”, and for the more abstract/literary/philosophically minded, “Language of Beauty” is excellent, although it needs a good 4-6 listens to really sink in : )

If, like me, you are not in school but want to continue to be enriched in the deep theology and philosophy of the Catholic faith, Peter Kreeft is an excellent teacher and is an excellent place to start learning!

One’s Attitude Towards Truth

By | Philosophy and Culture, Why Aren't We Saints? | No Comments

I think it is important to evaluate our attitude toward truth and our beliefs. It is important to how we interact with other, especially those of differing beliefs, but also, perhaps more important to the integrity of our own character – for if our character becomes corrupted, our interactions with other will not show much fruit.

A few lines of scripture got me thinking today. Check these out:


Mass reading a while back was from the first book of Corinthians.

1 Cor 8:1b-7, 11-13

Brothers and sisters:
Knowledge inflates with pride, but love builds up.
If anyone supposes he knows something,
he does not yet know as he ought to know.
But if one loves God, one is known by him.


As Catholics, we believe that the teachings of the Church and the scriptures and traditions passed to us through the Church are indeed true. Also, we believe God is real because we believe we have met Him. He has come to us in prayer, in the Eucharist, and shown his grace and guidance throughout our lives. We have met truth and put our faith in Him.

What then should our attitude toward the truth be?

I think this is an important question because, quite frankly, we are not very good at sharing the truth, and I believe our attitudes toward it can sometimes be the culprit. Unfortunately these examples of bad attitudes toward truth are the only ones our culture really picks up on and pays attention to – the religious people who are rude, overbearing, intolerant (in a proper sense of tolerance), and thoroughly uncharitable though they claim to have met truth and charity Himself.

As I myself have grappled with this issue and with my own attitudes for truth, especially during my time on a secular college campus, I did a lot of reexamining of how I regard truth.

Something I realized was this: I always thought of myself as one who had found truth. I thought I had figured it out, I thought I had found God and come into relationship with him, and I thought I had made sense out of Catholic doctrine to the satisfaction of my intellect. Furthermore, when talking to people of other faiths and beliefs, I regarded myself as possessing the truth which the rest of the world needed.

Its not that the Truths that we believe aren’t “true” – that’s not what I’m getting at at all. Rather, I think we need to take a look at our attitudes toward Truth.

Did I find the truth, or did the Truth find me?
Some things may make sense to me, but do I really have it all figured out?
Is truth really something I “have” or “posess”?
Is it something I have found or subdued, or is it something so much greater and mightier than I could conceive of, something which, far from having subdued, have barely peeked out at from the bushes?

Here’s the thing: Even when God has called us into His church, into His very Body, and fed us with His own flesh, so that we are indeed in communion with Truth Himself, surely the only proper attitude is awe and wonder and adoration of Truth, right?

If my attitude is snobbery, arrogance, or of one who thinks he has conquered or subdued truth, then people are quite right to question whether I have met Truth at all.

The first thing we have to be sure, thus, is that we really have met truth. Go seek Christ. this takes silence and patience. Also, learn your faith – there is much more there than you ever imagined – beauties and treasures we often ignore.

Then, when we encounter others we must keep in mind that WE HAVE NOT FOUND TRUTH – He has found us. We aren’t wise gurus who the rest of the world needs to listen to, we are the little children playing at Jesus’ feet who run off to tell our friends and everyone of the incredible teacher in our midst.

We can’t “give” Truth/the faith/Christ to people as if it/He was some token that we posses.

We didn’t figure the faith out, we didn’t find God, we certainly didn’t discover Truth. Our attitude must always be one of submission to truth, one of awareness that we are infinitely smaller than our creator and infinitely undeserving of His seeking us out and saving us.

What is really going on, and thus what our attitude should reflect, is that we have met Him, and we want others to meet Him too. Not only is this attitude the correct one, it is the only attitude with which God can work through us to reach out to others.

I think i’ll continue this reflection in a “Part 2” as there is more to be said about evangelization and ecumenical dialogue itself. With our attitude towards truth in mind, how might we re-evaluate how we talk to other people? How might it change the way we talk especially to non-believers?

Just some things to think about.

Your fellow Truth-seeker,


Spiritual Maturity Towards Truth – Can you handle it? John 6

By | Why Aren't We Saints? | No Comments

Recently I heard a priest preaching on the gospel of John chapter 6, and he pointed out that by the end of the chapter Jesus’ followers had continued leaving him until finally only the faithful few were left.

What Jesus’ followers faced in this chapter was a real test of their spiritual maturity towards truth. One gets the sense that many of the followers, up to this point, had been challenged, but never to the breaking point. The truths that they heard always made sense to them, “felt” right to them, were easy to follow in one sense or another. But in this chapter, particularly with Christ’s declarations about His body and blood, their maturity toward truth was tested and a great many failed the test.

What do I mean by “maturity toward truth”?  Simply this: One aspect of spiritual maturity consists in an attitude of conformity to truth. One seeks truth, expects truth to be bigger/better/more mysterious/more perfect/than oneself, and one attempts to conform to truth whenever one finds it.

We are all a bit immature when it comes to truth, especially in earlier stages of our spiritual journey. We like the teachings of Christ that “feel good” and pass over the ones that are hard. We readily tackle “big” sins and obvious flaws in our character, but ignore subtler imperfections that we don’t think we could ever bring ourselves to address.

One instance I have seen a lot of is the application of faith to my life rather than the application of my life to faith. Its easy to always receive and interpret the faith through the lens of “my life” – which problems I have, which experiences have I had, what needs I feel that I have, which prayers and devotions “work for me”. This is all well and good to a point, but it begs the question, when will I begin applying myself to the faith, rather than the faith to myself?

When do I start dealing with the sins and imperfections that God wants me to instead of the ones I want to focus on? Sometimes its easy to feel quite accomplished when the “big sins” have been worked out, and we rock back on our heels when we do so. However, there are many character flaws that we never even consider addressing – usually they are ones that are close to us, usually ones that involve a shot to our pride to deal with.

When do I start doing the “good” that I am called to, rather than the good I want to do? Similar to the last one, its so easy to focus on doing “goods” that aren’t really ares to do, while ignoring ones that are. For example, for some it is easy to desire to be a missionary to a foreign country, be a saint in the workplace, a model while at parish events, but to continuously ignore more primary responsibilities – relationships with family, being a holy person rather than just “looking holy”, evangelizing family/friends rather than those I am less close to. Everyone’s situation is different and so these may or may not apply to you – Nevertheless, the point is that we easily gravitate toward doing goods what we “want” to do over  what we are “called” to do.

When do I start learning what the Church actually teaches vs my opinions? Its easy to always be content with our knowledge of Church teaching and doctrine, even though we know it is incomplete and quite lacking. We like to “stick to our guns”, to assert our knowledge, to relish in the teachings we know and are excited about. We don’t like learning new teachings, ones we aren’t as comfortable with, ones that perhaps challenge us in ways we don’t want to be challenged.

Bottom line is this: We are called to be perfect as our heavenly father is. Thus we must realize that the state of being we are called to is necessarily “other”. We aren’t called to remain as we are, we really are called to change, to be transformed.

We must realize that if we are only changing in ways we are comfortable with, only learning things we like in ways that we like,  only dealing with sins we think are important, only doing goods that we want to do, only applying truth to our lives, then we aren’t ultimately being transformed. We may be doing a little “tidying up”, but we aren’t being transformed into anything but our own idealized version of ourselves – which, since it is our ideal, is still “us” and not “Him”.

It seems to me that a real point of spiritual maturity, thus, is the point at which we begin to realize this and actively start to apply ourselves to truth, rather than the other way round.

We begin to do a lot more asking and listening in prayer than telling. We begin to address sins we’ve been ignoring for years and begin to take up primary responsibilites/duties that we have been making secondary. We begin to read, listen to, and even pursue the “hard teachings” that we had hitherto avoided. We stop being bored (isn’t boredom just a symptom of the lack of self-application?)

At some point we begin to embrace not only hard teachings but even hardships and trials, because we know that we are sinners in need of saving.At some point, by God’s grace, we will be mature enough to give Peter’s answer to Christ’s challenge at the end of John Chapter 6: ” Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We believe and know you are the holy one of God” (verses 68-69).

On the Web: The Coming Home Network

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The Coming Home Network International ( a Catholic apostolate started by Marcus Grodi, protestant-clergy-convert to the Catholic Church. The Coming Home Network provides fellowship, materials, conferences, and other support to other non-catholic clergy and lay people who are thinking of making the “Journey Home” to the Catholic Church.

  • The site has a number of great resources such as the CHNetwork newsletter, a database of conversion stories, the CHN Journals, etc.
  • Also, the affiliate site is Marcus’ live radio bible study broadcasted from the Coming Home Network studio.
  • If you are a Catholic, convert or lifelong, and are interested helping protestant clergy and laypeople come home OR if you yourself are interested in discovering and possibly joining the Catholic Church, please visit

    ( Had to be my first website mention – Marcus Grodi is my father and I am the webmaster for